最新のLEED-Green-Associate対策学習 &資格試験のリーダープロバイダー &更新のLEED-Green-Associate問題トレーリング
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USGBC LEED-Green-Associate 認定試験の出題範囲:
トピック 出題範囲
トピック 1 Location and Transportation: The US Green Building Council Green Associate exam focuses on alternative transportation and site selection.
トピック 2 Integrative Strategies: The topic covers Integrative process, team members of Integrative project, and standards that support LEED.
トピック 3 Materials and Resources: The US Green Building Council Green Associate tests knowledge about waste, Reuse, life-cycle impacts, and purchasing and declarations.
トピック 4 Water Efficiency: It addresses the usage of outdoor and indoor water. Moreover, the topic covers concepts about water performance management.
トピック 5 Energy and Atmosphere: In this topic, the US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate focuses on building loads, energy efficiency, practices related to alternative and renewable energy, and environmental concerns.
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USGBC LEED-Green-Associate問題トレーリング & LEED-Green-Associate無料過去問
USGBC LEED Green Associate Exam 認定 LEED-Green-Associate 試験問題 (Q62-Q67):
質問 # 62
Which of the following facilitates the recharging of aquifers?
A. Pervious paving
B. Asphalt road
C. Impervious paving
D. Concrete parking lot
Pervious paving, also known as permeable paving, allows water to pass through it, facilitating the recharging of aquifers. This type of paving reduces runoff by allowing water to soak into the ground, which can help replenish groundwater supplies and reduce the impact on nearby water bodies. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resources
質問 # 63
Which of the following benefits could result from achieving LEED certification for a building?
A. Preferred public parking
B. Dedicated public transportation infrastructure
C. Qualification for tax rebates
D. Increased waste to landfills
LEED certification can provide financial benefits for a building, such as qualification for tax rebates, zoning allowances, and other incentives from local and state governments. These incentives can help offset the initial costs of green building and encourage more projects to pursue LEED . References: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook, LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide
質問 # 64
In an effort to preserve the aquatic habitat and natural stream morphology of a fresh-water stream located downstream of a project boundary, one should consider which of the following strategies?
A. Minimize impervious surfaces, enhance native vegetation and capture and reuse rainwater
B. Minimize pervious surfaces, enhance native vegetation and capture and reuse rainwater
C. Minimize pervious surfaces, implement low-impact development strategies and mimic natural systems
D. Minimize impervious surfaces, implement high-impact development strategies and mimic natural systems
impervious surfaces are those that do not allow water to infiltrate into the soil, such as asphalt, concrete, roofs, or compacted soil. Impervious surfaces increase the amount and speed of stormwater runoff, which can cause erosion, sedimentation, flooding, and pollution of downstream water bodies. Minimizing impervious surfaces can help reduce these negative impacts and preserve the aquatic habitat and natural stream morphology12.
Native vegetation is the plant life that is adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. Native vegetation can help filter pollutants, stabilize soils, reduce runoff, provide shade, and create habitat for wildlife. Enhancing native vegetation can help restore the natural functions and diversity of the ecosystem and protect the aquatic habitat and natural stream morphology13.
Rainwater is the precipitation that falls on the site. Rainwater can be captured and reused for various purposes, such as irrigation, toilet flushing, or cooling. Capturing and reusing rainwater can help reduce potable water demand, decrease stormwater runoff, and prevent flooding and pollution of downstream water bodies. Capturing and reusing rainwater can help conserve water resources and protect the aquatic habitat and natural stream morphology1 .
These strategies are consistent with the LEED v4 requirements for the Sustainable Sites credit category, which aims to protect and restore habitat, manage stormwater, reduce heat island effects, and promote alternative transportation.
質問 # 65
What is pre-consumer recycled content?
A. Waste material that is diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process
B. Waste material that is generated by households or by commercial use
C. Virgin material that is not utilized in production
D. Waste material that is generated from factories
Pre-consumer recycled content refers to waste material that is diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. This can include scraps or trimmings that are collected and returned to the manufacturing process. It does not include rework, regrind, or scrap materials capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated them. Reference: LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook, U.S. Green Building Council resources
質問 # 66
The LEED reviewer advised a project team that an inappropriate rating system was chosen for a newly constructed school in operation for one year and undergoing minor improvements. What should the project team have done differently to avoid this error?
A. Review the appropriate rating system and determine the best adaptation to use with consultation from U.S. Green Building Council
B. Allow the LEED Project Administrator sole responsibility to review the appropriate rating system for the project
C. Select LEED for Schools New Construction and Major Renovations Rating System, as this project is classified as a school
D. Select LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Rating System, as the Operational and Maintenance phase has begun
質問 # 67
LEED-Green-Associate問題トレーリング: https://www.passtest.jp/USGBC/LEED-Green-Associate-shiken.html
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2024年PassTestの最新LEED-Green-Associate PDFダンプおよびLEED-Green-Associate試験エンジンの無料共有:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kl4RB5SIB_XHuopP4da2Uj0FVrp3Nfu1